
Unik sets a new direction – new technology, new products and new ambitions

We are therefore delighted to announce that Unik is building two new products as Software-as-a-service (‘SaaS’). The thoughts of a new vision lead up to the merger with Logicmedia in the spring of 2021, and shortly after we initiated the biggest investments ever in our history.

We are investing in completely new ambitious products, using new cutting-edge technologies, adding new skills, developing how we work, how we work with our customers and what we can offer our customers. This is the biggest investment and change in Uniks history. We have come a long way, and we are convinced that this is the best way for Unik in order to remain relevant both to our customers and employees in the long run“, Jens Find, CEO of Unik.

Over the last 10 years, operating an IT platform has become significantly more demanding, especially in relation to IT security, and users demand higher availability and mobility. At the same time, there is more and more focus on streamlining digital everyday life through automation, digitization and self-service, and this requires us to rethink the structure of our products when it comes to processes and integrations.

As our customers’ IT partner, our ambition is for them to focus on process and business development in everyday life instead of on IT and systems. Our customers trust our ability to innovate and leverage our industry expertise to establish the benchmark for how software can automate their business operations. Development of two ground-breaking SaaS products, HabiCen and JustiCase, is part of the next major innovation of Unik, focusing on increased security and operational efficiency. We have been developing the new platform and the products over the last two years , and we look forward to being able to start presenting them to our customers soon“, Tonni Rasmussen, Product Director at Unik.

Software as a Service is a cloud-based way of delivering software, where the user only needs an internet connection to be able to access the SaaS products and always always has the latest version at the same time that Unik has control over the IT operations around the products.

The two new products, HabiCen for property administration and JustiCase for the legal profession, are being continuously implemented in a hybrid transition from Unik Bolig and Unik Advosys, respectively, with a focus on automation, self-service and digitization in the new products. .

The new products will be part of Unik’s expectedly approved accounting system, which will be offered from January 1 2023.